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The Official Home of the Cleveland State University Vikings


Cleveland, Ohio
December 11, 2010

Weight: 125

-Max Soria BUFF-UN------------+
     0-  0   Bout:     65     |-Max Soria BUFF-UN------------+
-TJ Stanton MERCY-UN----------+          M-Dec 11-1          |
             0-  0                      Bout:    225         |-Joe Roth CEN MICH------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 14-5          |
         Bout:     66         |-Joe Roth CEN MICH------------+                              |
-Joe Roth CEN MICH------------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    465         |-Joe Roth CEN MICH------------+
-Matt Yanovich MER NE---------+                                                             |          M-Dec 16-5          |
     0-  0   Bout:     67     |-Matt Yanovich MER NE---------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    226         |-Matt Yanovich MER NE---------+                              |
-Josh Whitt OSU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 7-6                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:     68     |-Justin Rivera GAN------------+                                                             |
-Justin Rivera GAN------------+           Dec 10-9                                                                         |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    585         |-Steve Mitcheff KENT----------+
-Zach Zupancic CSU-UN---------+                                                                                            |            Dec 6-2           |
     0-  0   Bout:     69     |-Zach Zupancic CSU-UN---------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    227         |-Korey Mines ED-UN------------+                              |                              |
-Korey Mines ED-UN------------+                              |          M-Dec 12-4          |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     70     |-Korey Mines ED-UN------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Brian Hauser ND--------------+            Dec 2-0                                          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    466         |-Steve Mitcheff KENT----------+                              |
-Steve Mitcheff KENT----------+                                                             |            Dec 6-0                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:     71     |-Steve Mitcheff KENT----------+                              |                                                             |
-Chris Lyon MSU-UN------------+          T-Fall 17-0         |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    228         |-Steve Mitcheff KENT----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:49                                                                        |
         Bout:     72         |-BJ Miller CSU-UN-------------+                                                                                            |
-BJ Miller CSU-UN-------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    648         |-Steve Mitcheff KENT----------
-Ben Willeford CSU------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:     73     |-Ben Willeford CSU------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 8-6
-Matt Raysin OAK--------------+          M-Dec 10-0          |                                                                                            |
             0-  0                      Bout:    229         |-Troy Opfer KENT-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 0:20          |                                                             |
         Bout:     74         |-Troy Opfer KENT-UN-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Troy Opfer KENT-UN-----------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    467         |-Zach Zimmer IND-UN-----------+                              |
-Brian Dean ND----------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:20          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     75     |-Zach Zimmer IND-UN-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Zach Zimmer IND-UN-----------+           Dec 10-3           |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    230         |-Zach Zimmer IND-UN-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 14-2                                         |                              |
         Bout:     76         |-Adam Weinell GAN-UN----------+                                                             |                              |
-Adam Weinell GAN-UN----------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    586         |-Zach Zimmer IND-UN-----------+
-Matt Turek GAN-UN------------+                                                                                            |           Dec 10-4
     0-  0   Bout:     77     |-Logan Shanks CM-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Logan Shanks CM-UN-----------+            Dec 6-4           |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    231         |-Shawn Ague MER NE-U----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Dflt             |                              |
         Bout:     78         |-Shawn Ague MER NE-U----------+                              |                              |
-Shawn Ague MER NE-U----------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    468         |-Jake Byers EMU-UN------------+
-Jake Byers EMU-UN------------+                                                             |            Dec 7-3
     0-  0   Bout:     79     |-Jake Byers EMU-UN------------+                              |
-Brandon Davis AU-UN----------+            Dec 4-0           |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    232         |-Jake Byers EMU-UN------------+
-Trey Hicks CLAR--------------+                              |          M-Dec 14-1
     0-  0   Bout:     80     |-Trey Hicks CLAR--------------+
-Mike Soria BUFF-UN-----------+            Dec 4-2
             0-  0
-TJ Stanton MERCY-UN----------+
         Bout:    305         |-TJ Stanton MERCY-UN----------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    385         |-Trey Hicks CLAR--------------+                                                              -Jake Byers EMU-UN------------+
                               -Trey Hicks CLAR--------------+            Dec 5-2           |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    505         |-Trey Hicks CLAR--------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    306         |-Josh Whitt OSU-UN------------+                              |           Fall 5:45          |                                                             |
-Josh Whitt OSU-UN------------+         Bout:    386         |-Josh Whitt OSU-UN------------+         Bout:    545         |-Korey Mines ED-UN------------+         Bout:    625         |-Korey Mines ED-UN------------+
                               -Logan Shanks CM-UN-----------+             Dflt                                            |          M-Dec 14-3          |                              |            Dec 6-5           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Korey Mines ED-UN------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    307         |-Brian Hauser ND--------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Brian Hauser ND--------------+         Bout:    387         |-Adam Weinell GAN-UN----------+                                        Bout:    605         |-Korey Mines ED-UN------------+                              |
                               -Adam Weinell GAN-UN----------+            Dec 9-3           |                                                             |            Dec 6-0                                          |
-Chris Lyon MSU-UN------------+                                        Bout:    506         |-Adam Weinell GAN-UN----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    308         |-Chris Lyon MSU-UN------------+                              |           Dec 11-5           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    388         |-Ben Willeford CSU------------+         Bout:    546         |-Adam Weinell GAN-UN----------+                                        Bout:    647         |-Korey Mines ED-UN------------
                               -Ben Willeford CSU------------+           M-Dec 8-0                                         |           M-Dec 9-1                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Matt Raysin OAK--------------+                                                              -Matt Yanovich MER NE---------+                                                                                            |           Dec 12-6
         Bout:    309         |-Matt Raysin OAK--------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    389         |-Matt Raysin OAK--------------+                                                              -Joe Roth CEN MICH------------+                              |
                               -BJ Miller CSU-UN-------------+           Fall 4:50          |                                                                                            |                              |
-Brian Dean ND----------------+                                        Bout:    507         |-Brian Dean ND----------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    310         |-Brian Dean ND----------------+                              |           Fall 2:10          |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    390         |-Brian Dean ND----------------+         Bout:    547         |-Brian Dean ND----------------+         Bout:    626         |-Joe Roth CEN MICH------------+
                               -Zach Zupancic CSU-UN---------+           Fall 1:39                                         |            Dec 4-0           |                              |            Dec 9-3
-Matt Turek GAN-UN------------+                                                              -Shawn Ague MER NE-U----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    311         |-Matt Turek GAN-UN------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    391         |-Justin Rivera GAN------------+                                        Bout:    606         |-Troy Opfer KENT-UN-----------+
                               -Justin Rivera GAN------------+           Dec 13-8           |                                                             |          M-Dec 12-0
-Brandon Davis AU-UN----------+                                        Bout:    508         |-Mike Soria BUFF-UN-----------+                              |
         Bout:    312         |-Mike Soria BUFF-UN-----------+                              |            Dec 6-1           |                              |
-Mike Soria BUFF-UN-----------+    Dec 5-2   Bout:    392    |-Mike Soria BUFF-UN-----------+         Bout:    548         |-Troy Opfer KENT-UN-----------+
                               -Max Soria BUFF-UN------------+             Forf                                            |           Fall 1:21
                                                                                             -Troy Opfer KENT-UN-----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Jake Byers EMU-UN------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    646         |-Jake Byers EMU-UN------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Troy Opfer KENT-UN-----------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Steve Mitcheff KENT                     5-  0             5th Jake Byers EMU-UN                       4-  2
                               2nd Zach Zimmer IND-UN                      4-  1             6th Troy Opfer KENT-UN                      3-  3
                               3rd Korey Mines ED-UN                       6-  1
                               4th Joe Roth CEN MICH                       3-  2

Weight: 133

-Ryan Marks AU----------------+
     0-  0   Bout:     81     |-Justin Farmer BUFF-UN--------+
-Justin Farmer BUFF-UN--------+          M-Dec 10-2          |
             0-  0                      Bout:    233         |-Justin Farmer BUFF-UN--------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Dec 12-5           |
         Bout:     82         |-Shawn Olsabeck UVA-UN--------+                              |
-Shawn Olsabeck UVA-UN--------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    469         |-Justin Farmer BUFF-UN--------+
-David Davidson WVU-UN--------+                                                             |            Dec 3-1           |
     0-  0   Bout:     83     |-David Davidson WVU-UN--------+                              |                              |
-Jake Jones OAK---------------+           Fall 1:05          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    234         |-Nick Flannery CSU------------+                              |
-Nick Flannery CSU------------+                              |          M-Dec 10-1                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:     84     |-Nick Flannery CSU------------+                                                             |
-Jason Montemayor NIU-UN------+           Dec 13-8                                                                         |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    587         |-Matt Fields PUR--------------+
-Maurice Miller ND------------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 12-0          |
     0-  0   Bout:     85     |-Maurice Miller ND------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    235         |-Gage Swartz WVU-UN-----------+                              |                              |
-Dominic Cribari LEC-UN-------+                              |            Dec 7-5           |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     86     |-Gage Swartz WVU-UN-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Gage Swartz WVU-UN-----------+           M-Dec 9-1                                         |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    470         |-Matt Fields PUR--------------+                              |
-Matt Fields PUR--------------+                                                             |          T-Fall 15-0                                        |
     0-  0   Bout:     87     |-Matt Fields PUR--------------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    236         |-Matt Fields PUR--------------+                                                             |
-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 2-1                                                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:     88     |-Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+                                                                                            |
-Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+            Dec 5-0                                                                                                        |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    652         |-AJ Schopp ED-UN--------------
-David Cheatham CM-UN---------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:     89     |-David Cheatham CM-UN---------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 10-2
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    237         |-Brandon Nelson PUR-UN--------+                                                             |
-Drew Hammer OU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 4-0           |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:     90     |-Brandon Nelson PUR-UN--------+                              |                                                             |
-Brandon Nelson PUR-UN--------+           Fall 4:10                                         |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    471         |-AJ Schopp ED-UN--------------+                              |
-Isaac Morisette OAK----------+                                                             |          M-Dec 11-0          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     91     |-Isaac Morisette OAK----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    238         |-AJ Schopp ED-UN--------------+                              |                              |
-AJ Schopp ED-UN--------------+                              |           Fall 2:28                                         |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     92     |-AJ Schopp ED-UN--------------+                                                             |                              |
-Sheldon Kegley ND------------+          T-Fall 16-0                                                                       |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    588         |-AJ Schopp ED-UN--------------+
-Chris Smith NIU-UN-----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 7-4
     0-  0   Bout:     93     |-Chris Smith NIU-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Ian Apbatblanalp MERCY-UN----+           Dec 10-7           |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    239         |-Courtney Johnson OAK---------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf             |                              |
         Bout:     94         |-Courtney Johnson OAK---------+                              |                              |
-Courtney Johnson OAK---------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    472         |-Joe Spisak UVA-UN------------+
-Joe Spisak UVA-UN------------+                                                             |          T-Fall 16-0
     0-  0   Bout:     95     |-Joe Spisak UVA-UN------------+                              |
-Chad Deno CEN MICH-----------+            Dec 7-3           |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    240         |-Joe Spisak UVA-UN------------+
-Pete Rendina MICH------------+                              |           Fall 3:45
     0-  0   Bout:     96     |-Pete Rendina MICH------------+
-Josh Coulture AU-UN----------+           Dec 10-5
             0-  0
-Ryan Marks AU----------------+
         Bout:    313         |-Ryan Marks AU----------------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    393         |-Pete Rendina MICH------------+                                                              -Joe Spisak UVA-UN------------+
                               -Pete Rendina MICH------------+           M-Dec 9-1          |                                                                                            |
-Jake Jones OAK---------------+                                        Bout:    509         |-Jason Montemayor NIU-UN------+                                                             |
         Bout:    314         |-Jason Montemayor NIU-UN------+                              |            Dec 5-3           |                                                             |
-Jason Montemayor NIU-UN------+   Fall 2:58   Bout:    394   |-Jason Montemayor NIU-UN------+         Bout:    549         |-Jason Montemayor NIU-UN------+         Bout:    627         |-Joe Spisak UVA-UN------------+
                               -Chris Smith NIU-UN-----------+             Dflt                                            |            Dec 4-2           |                              |           Fall 1:13          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Gage Swartz WVU-UN-----------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    315         |-Dominic Cribari LEC-UN-------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Dominic Cribari LEC-UN-------+         Bout:    395         |-Isaac Morisette OAK----------+                                        Bout:    607         |-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+                              |
                               -Isaac Morisette OAK----------+           Fall 3:18          |                                                             |            Dec 6-4                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    510         |-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    316         |-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 6-4           |                              |                                                             |
-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+         Bout:    396         |-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+         Bout:    550         |-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+                                        Bout:    651         |-Joe Spisak UVA-UN------------
                               -David Cheatham CM-UN---------+          Dec 8-7 OT                                         |             Dflt                                                                           |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Nick Flannery CSU------------+                                                                                            |          T-Fall 17-0
         Bout:    317         |-Drew Hammer OU-UN------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Drew Hammer OU-UN------------+         Bout:    397         |-Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+                                                              -Justin Farmer BUFF-UN--------+                              |
                               -Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+            Dec 3-2           |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    511         |-Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    318         |-Sheldon Kegley ND------------+                              |            Dec 7-2           |                                                             |                              |
-Sheldon Kegley ND------------+         Bout:    398         |-Maurice Miller ND------------+         Bout:    551         |-Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+         Bout:    628         |-Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+
                               -Maurice Miller ND------------+            Dec 4-3                                          |          T-Fall 16-0         |                              |            Dec 2-1
-Ian Apbatblanalp MERCY-UN----+                                                              -Courtney Johnson OAK---------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    319         |-Ian Apbatblanalp MERCY-UN----+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    399         |-Ian Apbatblanalp MERCY-UN----+                                        Bout:    608         |-Tyler Keselring CM-UN--------+
                               -David Davidson WVU-UN--------+           Fall 3:47          |                                                             |            Dec 4-2
-Chad Deno CEN MICH-----------+                                        Bout:    512         |-Josh Coulture AU-UN----------+                              |
         Bout:    320         |-Josh Coulture AU-UN----------+                              |           Dec 16-11          |                              |
-Josh Coulture AU-UN----------+   Fall 4:25   Bout:    400   |-Josh Coulture AU-UN----------+         Bout:    552         |-Brandon Nelson PUR-UN--------+
                               -Shawn Olsabeck UVA-UN--------+          M-Dec 19-9                                         |           Fall 5:13
                                                                                             -Brandon Nelson PUR-UN--------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Gavin Moore OU-UN------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    650         |-Gavin Moore OU-UN------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Justin Farmer BUFF-UN--------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fall 2:10

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st AJ Schopp ED-UN                         5-  0             5th Gavin Moore OU-UN                       5-  2
                               2nd Matt Fields PUR                         3-  1             6th Justin Farmer BUFF-UN                   3-  3
                               3rd Joe Spisak UVA-UN                       5-  1
                               4th Tyler Keselring CM-UN                   6-  2

Weight: 141

-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+
     0-  0   Bout:     97     |-Nick Lawrence PUR-UN---------+
-Nick Lawrence PUR-UN---------+            Dec 6-5           |
             0-  0                      Bout:    241         |-Jacob Vaugan OSU-UN----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 6-5           |
         Bout:     98         |-Jacob Vaugan OSU-UN----------+                              |
-Jacob Vaugan OSU-UN----------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    473         |-Ben Mathiesen CM-UN----------+
-Marty Carlson ND-------------+                                                             |            Dec 5-4           |
     0-  0   Bout:     99     |-Marty Carlson ND-------------+                              |                              |
-Jordan Dyer FLWC-------------+            Dec 9-3           |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    242         |-Ben Mathiesen CM-UN----------+                              |
-Ben Mathiesen CM-UN----------+                              |          M-Dec 10-2                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    100     |-Ben Mathiesen CM-UN----------+                                                             |
-Leon Shannon ND--------------+           Fall 5:59                                                                        |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    589         |-AJ Malinak GAN-UN------------+
-Josh Palivoda CSU------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 4-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:    101     |-Josh Palivoda CSU------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    243         |-Josh Palivoda CSU------------+                              |                              |
-Erik Galloway PITT-UN--------+                              |            Dec 9-4           |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    102     |-Erik Galloway PITT-UN--------+                              |                              |                              |
-Austin Sanchez OAK-----------+          M-Dec 11-3                                         |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    474         |-AJ Malinak GAN-UN------------+                              |
-Cody Okeefe OAK--------------+                                                             |            Dec 4-3                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    103     |-AJ Malinak GAN-UN------------+                              |                                                             |
-AJ Malinak GAN-UN------------+          T-Fall 19-3         |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    244         |-AJ Malinak GAN-UN------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 4-1                                                                         |
         Bout:    104         |-Tyler Green CSU-UN-----------+                                                                                            |
-Tyler Green CSU-UN-----------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    656         |-Colin Shober NW-UN-----------
-Alex Lopez CSU-UN------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    105     |-Seth Schaner EMU-------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 5-1
-Seth Schaner EMU-------------+           Dec 11-7           |                                                                                            |
             0-  0                      Bout:    245         |-Seth Schaner EMU-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 16-2          |                                                             |
         Bout:    106         |-Kyle Davison OAK-------------+                              |                                                             |
-Kyle Davison OAK-------------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    475         |-Pat Greco NW-UN--------------+                              |
-Pat Greco NW-UN--------------+                                                             |            Dec 6-4           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    107     |-Pat Greco NW-UN--------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    246         |-Pat Greco NW-UN--------------+                              |                              |
-Heath Allen OU-UN------------+                              |           Fall 3:41                                         |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    108     |-Eric Wolfe ND----------------+                                                             |                              |
-Eric Wolfe ND----------------+            Dec 8-3                                                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    590         |-Colin Shober NW-UN-----------+
-Garrett Haas ND--------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 1-0
     0-  0   Bout:    109     |-Ian Grecco MERCY-------------+                                                             |
-Ian Grecco MERCY-------------+            Dec 3-1           |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    247         |-Colin Shober NW-UN-----------+                              |
-Austin Sanders ND------------+                              |            Dec 3-0           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    110     |-Colin Shober NW-UN-----------+                              |                              |
-Colin Shober NW-UN-----------+           Dec 11-5                                          |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    476         |-Colin Shober NW-UN-----------+
-Tyler Bedelyon CLAR-UN-------+                                                             |            Dec 5-3
     0-  0   Bout:    111     |-Tyler Bedelyon CLAR-UN-------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    248         |-Vinny Digravio MER NE--------+
-Vinny Digravio MER NE--------+                              |            Dec 5-4
     0-  0   Bout:    112     |-Vinny Digravio MER NE--------+
-Payton Oney AU-UN------------+            Dec 8-3
             0-  0
-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+
         Bout:    321         |-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    401         |-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+                                                              -Pat Greco NW-UN--------------+
                               -Tyler Bedelyon CLAR-UN-------+             Dflt             |                                                                                            |
-Jordan Dyer FLWC-------------+                                        Bout:    513         |-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    322         |-Jordan Dyer FLWC-------------+                              |          M-Dec 13-3          |                                                             |
-Leon Shannon ND--------------+   Dec 7-5 OT   Bout:    402  |-Jordan Dyer FLWC-------------+         Bout:    553         |-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+         Bout:    629         |-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+
                               -Ian Grecco MERCY-------------+            Dec 6-4                                          |           Fall 3:30          |                              |           Fall 0:25          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Josh Palivoda CSU------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    323         |-Austin Sanchez OAK-----------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Austin Sanchez OAK-----------+         Bout:    403         |-Eric Wolfe ND----------------+                                        Bout:    609         |-Jay Kunzi AU-----------------+                              |
                               -Eric Wolfe ND----------------+           Dec 16-10          |                                                             |           Fall 4:30                                         |
-Cody Okeefe OAK--------------+                                        Bout:    514         |-Cody Okeefe OAK--------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    324         |-Cody Okeefe OAK--------------+                              |            Dec 9-5           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    404         |-Cody Okeefe OAK--------------+         Bout:    554         |-Cody Okeefe OAK--------------+                                        Bout:    655         |-Ben Mathiesen CM-UN----------
                               -Kyle Davison OAK-------------+            Dec 8-5                                          |            Dec 5-4                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Alex Lopez CSU-UN------------+                                                              -Jacob Vaugan OSU-UN----------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 15-6
         Bout:    325         |-Alex Lopez CSU-UN------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    405         |-Tyler Green CSU-UN-----------+                                                              -Ben Mathiesen CM-UN----------+                              |
                               -Tyler Green CSU-UN-----------+            Dec 4-1           |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    515         |-Tyler Green CSU-UN-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    326         |-Heath Allen OU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 4-2           |                                                             |                              |
-Heath Allen OU-UN------------+         Bout:    406         |-Erik Galloway PITT-UN--------+         Bout:    555         |-Vinny Digravio MER NE--------+         Bout:    630         |-Ben Mathiesen CM-UN----------+
                               -Erik Galloway PITT-UN--------+            Dec 4-0                                          |            Dec 5-4           |                              |            Dec 4-3
-Garrett Haas ND--------------+                                                              -Vinny Digravio MER NE--------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    327         |-Austin Sanders ND------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Austin Sanders ND------------+      Dflt   Bout:    407     |-Marty Carlson ND-------------+                                        Bout:    610         |-Vinny Digravio MER NE--------+
                               -Marty Carlson ND-------------+          M-Dec 13-1          |                                                             |             Dflt
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    516         |-Marty Carlson ND-------------+                              |
         Bout:    328         |-Payton Oney AU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 8-1           |                              |
-Payton Oney AU-UN------------+         Bout:    408         |-Nick Lawrence PUR-UN---------+         Bout:    556         |-Seth Schaner EMU-------------+
                               -Nick Lawrence PUR-UN---------+            Dec 3-2                                          |          M-Dec 10-0
                                                                                             -Seth Schaner EMU-------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Pat Greco NW-UN--------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    654         |-Pat Greco NW-UN--------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Vinny Digravio MER NE--------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 8-6

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Colin Shober NW-UN                      5-  0             5th Pat Greco NW-UN                         3-  2
                               2nd AJ Malinak GAN-UN                       4-  1             6th Vinny Digravio MER NE                   4-  3
                               3rd Ben Mathiesen CM-UN                     5-  1
                               4th Jay Kunzi AU                            5-  2

Weight: 149

-Derek Valenti UVA-UN---------+
     0-  0   Bout:      1     |-Derek Valenti UVA-UN---------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:     49         |-Derek Valenti UVA-UN---------+
-Dylan Marriott NW-UN---------+                              |            Dec 6-0           |
     0-  0   Bout:      2     |-Dylan Marriott NW-UN---------+                              |
-Zach Hook OU-UN--------------+          M-Dec 13-1                                         |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    249         |-Derek Valenti UVA-UN---------+
-Justin Wildy CLAR-UN---------+                                                             |            Dec 8-2           |
     0-  0   Bout:      3     |-David Habat ED-UN------------+                              |                              |
-David Habat ED-UN------------+          M-Dec 13-3          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:     50         |-David Habat ED-UN------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          T-Fall 21-6                                        |
         Bout:      4         |-Jacob Freeman CLAR-UN--------+                                                             |
-Jacob Freeman CLAR-UN--------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    477         |-Tommy Churchard PUR----------+
-Hans Rasmusson EMU-UN--------+                                                                                            |            Dec 3-1           |
     0-  0   Bout:      5     |-Hans Rasmusson EMU-UN--------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:     51         |-Tommy Churchard PUR----------+                              |                              |
-Tommy Churchard PUR----------+                              |           Fall 4:06          |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:      6     |-Tommy Churchard PUR----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Kodie Egnor ND---------------+          T-Fall 15-0                                        |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    250         |-Tommy Churchard PUR----------+                              |
-Donald Simpson NIU-UN--------+                                                             |            Dec 8-2                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:      7     |-Donald Simpson NIU-UN--------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:     52         |-Donald Simpson NIU-UN--------+                                                             |
-Tim Streit OAK---------------+                              |           Fall :54                                                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:      8     |-Michael Krysiak GAN-UN-------+                                                                                            |
-Michael Krysiak GAN-UN-------+           Dec 11-9                                                                                                        |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    611         |-Tommy Churchard PUR----------+
-Tommy Sasfy KENT-------------+                                                                                                                           |            Dec 5-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:      9     |-Tommy Sasfy KENT-------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
                                        Bout:     53         |-Tommy Sasfy KENT-------------+                                                             |                              |
-Mauricio Gonzalez JC---------+                              |          T-Fall 18-2         |                                                             |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     10     |-Luke Gillespe OAK------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
-Luke Gillespe OAK------------+           Fall 3:14                                         |                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    251         |-Tommy Sasfy KENT-------------+                              |                              |
-Jordan Deady AU--------------+                                                             |            Dec 6-1           |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     11     |-Jordan Deady AU--------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
-Tyler Johnston MT. UN--------+            Dec 9-2           |                              |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:     54         |-Lawrence Cavello CSU---------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :47                                          |                              |                              |
         Bout:     12         |-Lawrence Cavello CSU---------+                                                             |                              |                              |
-Lawrence Cavello CSU---------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    478         |-Tommy Sasfy KENT-------------+                              |
-Mike Mencini CSU-------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 5-4                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:     13     |-Dave Ebbott UVA-UN-----------+                                                             |                                                             |
-Dave Ebbott UVA-UN-----------+            Dec 7-4           |                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:     55         |-Dave Ebbott UVA-UN-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:10          |                              |                                                             |
         Bout:     14         |-Dave Nelson ND---------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
-Dave Nelson ND---------------+                                                             |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    252         |-Dave Ebbott UVA-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Joe Bruewer OSU-UN-----------+                                                             |            Dec 6-2                                                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:     15     |-Joe Bruewer OSU-UN-----------+                              |                                                                                            |
-Jake Kondrlik MER NE---------+            Dec 8-6           |                              |                                                                                            |
             0-  0                      Bout:     56         |-Joe Bruewer OSU-UN-----------+                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-8                                                                                                        |
         Bout:     16         |-Andrew Candiello KENT-UN-----+                                                                                                                           |
-Andrew Candiello KENT-UN-----+                                                                                                                                                          |
             0-  0                                                                                                                                                  Bout:    660         |-Anthony Salupo LEH-UN--------
-Anthony Salupo LEH-UN--------+                                                                                                                                                          |           Champion
         Bout:     17         |-Anthony Salupo LEH-UN--------+                                                                                                                           |            Dec 7-6
-Colin Dozier MSU-------------+            Dec 6-3           |                                                                                                                           |
                                        Bout:     57         |-Anthony Salupo LEH-UN--------+                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-1           |                                                                                            |
         Bout:     18         |-Joe Grandaminico OSU-UN------+                              |                                                                                            |
-Joe Grandaminico OSU-UN------+                                                             |                                                                                            |
                                                                       Bout:    253         |-Anthony Salupo LEH-UN--------+                                                             |
-Brett Freeman ND-------------+                                                             |            Dec 3-2           |                                                             |
         Bout:     19         |-Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+                              |                              |                                                             |
-Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+            Dec 9-2           |                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:     58         |-Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 5-4                                          |                                                             |
         Bout:     20         |-Dakota Cooley CM-UN----------+                                                             |                                                             |
-Dakota Cooley CM-UN----------+                                                                                            |                                                             |
                                                                                                      Bout:    479         |-Anthony Salupo LEH-UN--------+                              |
-Brandon Sommers CSU----------+                                                                                            |           Dec 10-3           |                              |
         Bout:     21         |-Brandon Sommers CSU----------+                                                             |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:     59         |-Brandon Sommers CSU----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Ricky Bronson BUFF-UN--------+                              |            Dec 5-0           |                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:     22         |-Ricky Bronson BUFF-UN--------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
-Zach Graham AU---------------+           M-Dec 8-0                                         |                              |                              |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    254         |-Brandon Sommers CSU----------+                              |                              |
-Curtis Glasper OAK-----------+                                                             |            Dec 4-3                                          |                              |
         Bout:     23         |-Curtis Glasper OAK-----------+                              |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:     60         |-Ethan Swope GAN--------------+                                                             |                              |
-Shawn McMurray MSU-UN--------+                              |          T-Fall 16-1                                                                       |                              |
         Bout:     24         |-Ethan Swope GAN--------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Ethan Swope GAN--------------+            Dec 5-0                                                                                                        |                              |
                                                                                                                                     Bout:    612         |-Anthony Salupo LEH-UN--------+
-Nick Limano GAN--------------+                                                                                                                           |            Dec 9-6
         Bout:     25         |-Rob Yahrmarkt UN-------------+                                                                                            |
-Rob Yahrmarkt UN-------------+            Dec 7-4           |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:     61         |-Shawn Fayette NIU-UN---------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 5-4           |                                                             |
         Bout:     26         |-Shawn Fayette NIU-UN---------+                              |                                                             |
-Shawn Fayette NIU-UN---------+                                                             |                                                             |
                                                                       Bout:    255         |-Jeffrey Pelton ND------------+                              |
-Jeffrey Pelton ND------------+                                                             |            Dec 9-4           |                              |
         Bout:     27         |-Jeffrey Pelton ND------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Shane Justice ND-------------+           Dec 18-14          |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:     62         |-Jeffrey Pelton ND------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 6:26                                         |                              |
         Bout:     28         |-Jaylyn Bohl EMU-UN-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Jaylyn Bohl EMU-UN-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
                                                                                                      Bout:    480         |-Ashtin Primus ND-------------+
-Malcom Martin CM-UN----------+                                                                                            |             Dflt
         Bout:     29         |-Malcom Martin CM-UN----------+                                                             |
-Tony Durso MERCY-------------+          M-Dec 12-4          |                                                             |
                                        Bout:     63         |-Ashtin Primus ND-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 5-3           |                              |
         Bout:     30         |-Ashtin Primus ND-------------+                              |                              |
-Ashtin Primus ND-------------+                                                             |                              |
                                                                       Bout:    256         |-Ashtin Primus ND-------------+
-Conrad Rosch OU-UN-----------+                                                             |            Dec 4-1
         Bout:     31         |-Conrad Rosch OU-UN-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:     64         |-Shane Welsh LEH-UN-----------+
-Mo Ali CWC-------------------+                              |           Fall 5:37
         Bout:     32         |-Shane Welsh LEH-UN-----------+
-Shane Welsh LEH-UN-----------+           Fall 1:03

         Bout:     33         |-Zach Hook OU-UN--------------+
-Zach Hook OU-UN--------------+         Bout:    113         |-Zach Hook OU-UN--------------+                                                              -Derek Valenti UVA-UN---------+
                               -Andrew Candiello KENT-UN-----+           Dec 10-7           |                                                                                            |
-Justin Wildy CLAR-UN---------+                                        Bout:    329         |-Zach Hook OU-UN--------------+                                                             |
         Bout:     34         |-Justin Wildy CLAR-UN---------+                              |           Fall 3:03          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    114         |-Justin Wildy CLAR-UN---------+         Bout:    409         |-Ethan Swope GAN--------------+         Bout:    557         |-Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+
                               -Dave Nelson ND---------------+          M-Dec 11-0                                         |          M-Dec 10-2          |                              |            Dec 8-1           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Ethan Swope GAN--------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:     35         |-Kodie Egnor ND---------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Kodie Egnor ND---------------+         Bout:    115         |-Jordan Deady AU--------------+                                        Bout:    517         |-Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+                              |
                               -Jordan Deady AU--------------+           Fall 2:18          |                                                             |           Fall 0:53                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    330         |-Luke Gillespe OAK------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:     36         |-Tim Streit OAK---------------+                              |           Dec 10-8           |                              |                                                             |
-Tim Streit OAK---------------+         Bout:    116         |-Luke Gillespe OAK------------+         Bout:    410         |-Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+                                        Bout:    591         |-Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+
                               -Luke Gillespe OAK------------+           Fall 1:40                                         |           Fall 2:03                                                                        |          Dec 2-0 OT          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Taylor Walsh IND-UN----------+                                                                                            |                              |
         Bout:     37         |-Mauricio Gonzalez JC---------+                                                                                                                                                          |                              |
-Mauricio Gonzalez JC---------+         Bout:    117         |-Michael Krysiak GAN-UN-------+                                                              -Dave Ebbott UVA-UN-----------+                              |                              |
                               -Michael Krysiak GAN-UN-------+           Fall 4:20          |                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Tyler Johnston MT. UN--------+                                        Bout:    331         |-Hans Rasmusson EMU-UN--------+                                                             |                              |                              |
         Bout:     38         |-Tyler Johnston MT. UN--------+                              |          T-Fall 25-7         |                                                             |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    118         |-Hans Rasmusson EMU-UN--------+         Bout:    411         |-Shane Welsh LEH-UN-----------+         Bout:    558         |-Shane Welsh LEH-UN-----------+         Bout:    631         |-Taylor
                               -Hans Rasmusson EMU-UN--------+          M-Dec 13-3                                         |           Fall 3:36          |                              |           Dec 12-5                                          |
-Mike Mencini CSU-------------+                                                              -Shane Welsh LEH-UN-----------+                              |                              |                                                             |
         Bout:     39         |-Mike Mencini CSU-------------+                                                                                            |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    119         |-Mike Mencini CSU-------------+                                        Bout:    518         |-Shane Welsh LEH-UN-----------+                                                             |
                               -Jacob Freeman CLAR-UN--------+          T-Fall 15-0         |                                                             |            Dec 9-4                                                                         |
-Jake Kondrlik MER NE---------+                                        Bout:    332         |-Mike Mencini CSU-------------+                              |                                                                                            |
         Bout:     40         |-Jake Kondrlik MER NE---------+                              |            Dec 5-0           |                              |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    120         |-Dylan Marriott NW-UN---------+         Bout:    412         |-Mike Mencini CSU-------------+                                                              -Ashtin Primus ND-------------+
                               -Dylan Marriott NW-UN---------+            Dec 6-4                                          |           Dec 10-4
-Colin Dozier MSU-------------+                                                              -Shawn Fayette NIU-UN---------+
         Bout:     41         |-Colin Dozier MSU-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    121         |-Colin Dozier MSU-------------+                                                              -Brandon Sommers CSU----------+
                               -Conrad Rosch OU-UN-----------+            Dec 5-0           |                                                                                            |
-Brett Freeman ND-------------+                                        Bout:    333         |-Brett Freeman ND-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:     42         |-Brett Freeman ND-------------+                              |             Dflt             |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    122         |-Brett Freeman ND-------------+         Bout:    413         |-Brett Freeman ND-------------+         Bout:    559         |-David Habat ED-UN------------+
                               -Malcom Martin CM-UN----------+            Dec 6-0                                          |            Dec 7-4           |                              |           Dec 11-5           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Donald Simpson NIU-UN--------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:     43         |-Zach Graham AU---------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Zach Graham AU---------------+         Bout:    123         |-Jaylyn Bohl EMU-UN-----------+                                        Bout:    519         |-David Habat ED-UN------------+                              |
                               -Jaylyn Bohl EMU-UN-----------+           Fall 1:48          |                                                             |            Dec 3-1                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    334         |-Shawn McMurray MSU-UN--------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:     44         |-Shawn McMurray MSU-UN--------+                              |            Dec 5-0           |                              |                                                             |
-Shawn McMurray MSU-UN--------+         Bout:    124         |-Shawn McMurray MSU-UN--------+         Bout:    414         |-David Habat ED-UN------------+                                        Bout:    592         |-David Habat ED-UN------------+
                               -Rob Yahrmarkt UN-------------+            Dec 6-3                                          |            Dec 5-3                                                                         |            Dec 6-4           |
-Nick Limano GAN--------------+                                                              -David Habat ED-UN------------+                                                                                            |                              |
         Bout:     45         |-Nick Limano GAN--------------+                                                                                                                                                          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    125         |-Nick Limano GAN--------------+                                                              -Jeffrey Pelton ND------------+                              |                              |
                               -Curtis Glasper OAK-----------+           Fall 6:31          |                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Shane Justice ND-------------+                                        Bout:    335         |-Ricky Bronson BUFF-UN--------+                                                             |                              |                              |
         Bout:     46         |-Shane Justice ND-------------+                              |            Dec 6-1           |                                                             |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    126         |-Ricky Bronson BUFF-UN--------+         Bout:    415         |-Ricky Bronson BUFF-UN--------+         Bout:    560         |-Lawrence Cavello CSU---------+         Bout:    632         |-Tommy
                               -Ricky Bronson BUFF-UN--------+            Dec 6-3                                          |            Dec 4-3           |                              |             Forf                                            |
-Tony Durso MERCY-------------+                                                              -Joe Bruewer OSU-UN-----------+                              |                              |                                                             |
         Bout:     47         |-Tony Durso MERCY-------------+                                                                                            |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    127         |-Tony Durso MERCY-------------+                                        Bout:    520         |-Lawrence Cavello CSU---------+                                                             |
                               -Dakota Cooley CM-UN----------+            Dec 4-3           |                                                             |            Dec 7-1                                                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    336         |-Joe Grandaminico OSU-UN------+                              |                                                                                            |
         Bout:     48         |-Mo Ali CWC-------------------+                              |            Dec 4-2           |                              |                                                                                            |
-Mo Ali CWC-------------------+         Bout:    128         |-Joe Grandaminico OSU-UN------+         Bout:    416         |-Lawrence Cavello CSU---------+                                                              -Tommy Sasfy KENT-------------+
                               -Joe Grandaminico OSU-UN------+             Forf                                            |          M-Dec 12-0
                                                                                             -Lawrence Cavello CSU---------+

                                                                                                                                                                                          -Ashtin Primus ND-------------+
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bout:    658         |-David Habat ED-UN------------
                                                                                                                                                                                          -David Habat ED-UN------------+           5th Place
                               - Place Winners -                                                                                                           - Place Winners -
                               1st Anthony Salupo LEH-UN                   6-  0                                                                           5th David Habat ED-UN                       7-  2
                               2nd Tommy Churchard PUR                     5-  1                                                                           6th Ashtin Primus ND                        3-  3
                               3rd Taylor Walsh IND-UN                     8-  1
                               4th Tommy Sasfy KENT                        4-  2

Weight: 157

-Koort Leyrer CSU-------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    129     |-Anthony Pace CM-UN-----------+
-Anthony Pace CM-UN-----------+            Dec 4-0           |
             0-  0                      Bout:    257         |-Anthony Pace CM-UN-----------+
-Dustin Schultz PUR-UN--------+                              |            Dec 7-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:    130     |-Dustin Schultz PUR-UN--------+                              |
-Tucker Gregor OU-UN----------+            Dec 8-7                                          |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    481         |-Troy Sterling COURT----------+
-Alex Karayianopoulos MT. UN--+                                                             |            Dec 5-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:    131     |-Zach Kline CEN MICH----------+                              |                              |
-Zach Kline CEN MICH----------+           Fall 2:24          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    258         |-Troy Sterling COURT----------+                              |
-Troy Sterling COURT----------+                              |            Dec 4-1                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    132     |-Troy Sterling COURT----------+                                                             |
-Drew Howard KENT-UN----------+            Dec 7-2                                                                         |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    593         |-Troy Sterling COURT----------+
-Sean Floor GAN---------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 4-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:    133     |-Sean Floor GAN---------------+                                                             |                              |
-Kris Duge BUFF-UN------------+          M-Dec 16-5          |                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    259         |-Tony Burge ND----------------+                              |                              |
-Josh Demas OSU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 5-4           |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    134     |-Tony Burge ND----------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Tony Burge ND----------------+             Forf                                            |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    482         |-David Helmer NW-UN-----------+                              |
-David Helmer NW-UN-----------+                                                             |            Dec 3-2                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    135     |-David Helmer NW-UN-----------+                              |                                                             |
-David Hill OAK---------------+            Dec 4-1           |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    260         |-David Helmer NW-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Patrick Kovacs AU------------+                              |           Dec 10-4                                                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    136     |-Sam Brehm GAN----------------+                                                                                            |
-Sam Brehm GAN----------------+            Dec 5-0                                                                                                        |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    664         |-Pierce Harger NW-UN----------
-Willie Diaz CSU-UN-----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    137     |-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 7-0
-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+           Fall 2.45          |                                                                                            |
             0-  0                      Bout:    261         |-Pierce Harger NW-UN----------+                                                             |
-Travis Rohde PUR-UN----------+                              |           Fall 2:10          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    138     |-Pierce Harger NW-UN----------+                              |                                                             |
-Pierce Harger NW-UN----------+           Fall 2:02                                         |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    483         |-Pierce Harger NW-UN----------+                              |
-Taylor Smith ND--------------+                                                             |           Fall :55           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    139     |-Taylor Smith ND--------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Phil Khozien MSU-------------+           Dec 10-4           |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    262         |-Tyler Wilps PITT-UN----------+                              |                              |
-Tyler Wilps PITT-UN----------+                              |            Dec 5-1                                          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    140     |-Tyler Wilps PITT-UN----------+                                                             |                              |
-Adam Greenmen GAN-UN---------+            Dec 9-2                                                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    594         |-Pierce Harger NW-UN----------+
-Andrew Hollern KENT-UN-------+                                                                                            |           Fall 2:43
     0-  0   Bout:    141     |-Andrew Hollern KENT-UN-------+                                                             |
-DeAndre Carter MER NE-U------+            Dec 2-1           |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    263         |-Joe Spooner MT. UN-----------+                              |
-Danny Sheehan CWC------------+                              |            Dec 9-3           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    142     |-Joe Spooner MT. UN-----------+                              |                              |
-Joe Spooner MT. UN-----------+           Fall 3:40                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    484         |-Joe Spooner MT. UN-----------+
-Jordan Nolan OU-UN-----------+                                                             |            Dec 7-5
     0-  0   Bout:    143     |-Jordan Nolan OU-UN-----------+                              |
-Pat Robinson PUR-UN----------+            Dec 3-2           |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    264         |-Jordan Nolan OU-UN-----------+
-Mark Boyer MICH--------------+                              |           Dec 13-10
     0-  0   Bout:    144     |-Matt Donohoe CSU-------------+
-Matt Donohoe CSU-------------+            Dec 9-4
             0-  0
-Koort Leyrer CSU-------------+
         Bout:    337         |-Tucker Gregor OU-UN----------+
-Tucker Gregor OU-UN----------+    Dec 3-2   Bout:    417    |-Matt Donohoe CSU-------------+                                                              -Joe Spooner MT. UN-----------+
                               -Matt Donohoe CSU-------------+            Dec 7-2           |                                                                                            |
-Alex Karayianopoulos MT. UN--+                                        Bout:    521         |-Matt Donohoe CSU-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    338         |-Drew Howard KENT-UN----------+                              |            Dec 8-7           |                                                             |
-Drew Howard KENT-UN----------+   Fall 4:10   Bout:    418   |-Drew Howard KENT-UN----------+         Bout:    561         |-Tony Burge ND----------------+         Bout:    633         |-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+
                               -Andrew Hollern KENT-UN-------+           Fall 2:39                                         |            Dec 4-2           |                              |           Fall 2:20          |
-Kris Duge BUFF-UN------------+                                                              -Tony Burge ND----------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    339         |-Kris Duge BUFF-UN------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Josh Demas OSU-UN------------+      Dflt   Bout:    419     |-Kris Duge BUFF-UN------------+                                        Bout:    613         |-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+                              |
                               -Taylor Smith ND--------------+            Dec 7-4           |                                                             |          M-Dec 15-2                                         |
-David Hill OAK---------------+                                        Bout:    522         |-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    340         |-David Hill OAK---------------+                              |          M-Dec 12-1          |                              |                                                             |
-Patrick Kovacs AU------------+   M-Dec 13-3   Bout:    420  |-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+         Bout:    562         |-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+                                        Bout:    663         |-Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------
                               -Shawn Harris UVA-UN----------+            Dec 6-4                                          |          M-Dec 10-2                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Willie Diaz CSU-UN-----------+                                                              -Anthony Pace CM-UN-----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 3-2
         Bout:    341         |-Willie Diaz CSU-UN-----------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Travis Rohde PUR-UN----------+   Fall 5:52   Bout:    421   |-Sam Brehm GAN----------------+                                                              -David Helmer NW-UN-----------+                              |
                               -Sam Brehm GAN----------------+           Dec 13-6           |                                                                                            |                              |
-Phil Khozien MSU-------------+                                        Bout:    523         |-Sean Floor GAN---------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    342         |-Adam Greenmen GAN-UN---------+                              |            Dec 3-1           |                                                             |                              |
-Adam Greenmen GAN-UN---------+   Fall 2:23   Bout:    422   |-Sean Floor GAN---------------+         Bout:    563         |-Jordan Nolan OU-UN-----------+         Bout:    634         |-Tyler Wilps PITT-UN----------+
                               -Sean Floor GAN---------------+            Dec 6-4                                          |           Fall 4:36          |                              |             Dflt
-DeAndre Carter MER NE-U------+                                                              -Jordan Nolan OU-UN-----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    343         |-DeAndre Carter MER NE-U------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Danny Sheehan CWC------------+      Forf   Bout:    423     |-Zach Kline CEN MICH----------+                                        Bout:    614         |-Tyler Wilps PITT-UN----------+
                               -Zach Kline CEN MICH----------+            Dec 5-2           |                                                             |             Dflt
-Pat Robinson PUR-UN----------+                                        Bout:    524         |-Pat Robinson PUR-UN----------+                              |
         Bout:    344         |-Pat Robinson PUR-UN----------+                              |            Dec 4-1           |                              |
-Mark Boyer MICH--------------+    Dec 4-1   Bout:    424    |-Pat Robinson PUR-UN----------+         Bout:    564         |-Tyler Wilps PITT-UN----------+
                               -Dustin Schultz PUR-UN--------+            Dec 7-5                                          |           Fall 1:33
                                                                                             -Tyler Wilps PITT-UN----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Joe Spooner MT. UN-----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    662         |-David Helmer NW-UN-----------
                                                                                                                                                           -David Helmer NW-UN-----------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Pierce Harger NW-UN                     5-  0             5th David Helmer NW-UN                      4-  2
                               2nd Troy Sterling COURT                     4-  1             6th Joe Spooner MT. UN                      3-  2
                               3rd Shawn Harris UVA-UN                     7-  1
                               4th Tyler Wilps PITT-UN                     5-  2

Weight: 165

-David Phillips CSU-----------+
     0-  0   Bout:    145     |-Mark Tomanek ND--------------+
-Mark Tomanek ND--------------+           Fall 0:33          |
             0-  0                      Bout:    265         |-Sli Bostelman KENT-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 3-1           |
         Bout:    146         |-Sli Bostelman KENT-----------+                              |
-Sli Bostelman KENT-----------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    485         |-Sli Bostelman KENT-----------+
-Dan Burk NIU-UN--------------+                                                             |            Dec 4-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:    147     |-Damien Perry CWC-------------+                              |                              |
-Damien Perry CWC-------------+          M-Dec 13-1          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    266         |-Damien Perry CWC-------------+                              |
-Ryan Maurer PITT-JH----------+                              |            Dec 8-2                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    148     |-Tyler Tesney LEC-UN----------+                                                             |
-Tyler Tesney LEC-UN----------+          M-Dec 12-0                                                                        |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    595         |-Patrick Kissel PUR-----------+
-JT Rice EMU------------------+                                                                                            |             Dflt             |
     0-  0   Bout:    149     |-Patrick Kissel PUR-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Patrick Kissel PUR-----------+            Dec 7-0           |                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    267         |-Patrick Kissel PUR-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 3-0           |                              |                              |
         Bout:    150         |-Neal Williams OU-UN----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Neal Williams OU-UN----------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    486         |-Patrick Kissel PUR-----------+                              |
-Sean Lubinski OU-UN----------+                                                             |           Fall 1:43                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    151     |-Sean Lubinski OU-UN----------+                              |                                                             |
-Kyle Braddock CLAR-UN--------+            Dec 2-1           |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    268         |-Shayne Stewart CSU-UN--------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 4-0                                                                         |
         Bout:    152         |-Shayne Stewart CSU-UN--------+                                                                                            |
-Shayne Stewart CSU-UN--------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    668         |-Nick Sulzer UVA-UN-----------
-Corey Carlo CSU-UN-----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    153     |-Corey Carlo CSU-UN-----------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 19-8
-James Bennett MER NE---------+          M-Dec 11-1          |                                                                                            |
             0-  0                      Bout:    269         |-Boby Nash MSU----------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 8-2           |                                                             |
         Bout:    154         |-Boby Nash MSU----------------+                              |                                                             |
-Boby Nash MSU----------------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    487         |-Kyle Dilley OU-UN------------+                              |
-Kyle Dilley OU-UN------------+                                                             |            Dec 8-3           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    155     |-Kyle Dilley OU-UN------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    270         |-Kyle Dilley OU-UN------------+                              |                              |
-Zach McKendree GAN-----------+                              |            Dec 9-6                                          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    156     |-Zach McKendree GAN-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Justin Joseph EMU------------+          M-Dec 14-3                                                                        |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    596         |-Nick Sulzer UVA-UN-----------+
-Tyler Leitza LEC-UN----------+                                                                                            |           Dec 11-4
     0-  0   Bout:    157     |-Nick Sulzer UVA-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Nick Sulzer UVA-UN-----------+          T-Fall 20-5         |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    271         |-Nick Sulzer UVA-UN-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 14-5          |                              |
         Bout:    158         |-Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+                              |                              |
-Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    488         |-Nick Sulzer UVA-UN-----------+
-Mike Wranosky OAK------------+                                                             |            Dec 9-7
     0-  0   Bout:    159     |-Mike Wranosky OAK------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    272         |-Robbie Michaels CSU----------+
-Sven Alm CM-UN---------------+                              |           Dec 13-6
     0-  0   Bout:    160     |-Robbie Michaels CSU----------+
-Robbie Michaels CSU----------+           Fall 2:32
             0-  0
-David Phillips CSU-----------+
         Bout:    345         |-David Phillips CSU-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    425         |-David Phillips CSU-----------+                                                              -Kyle Dilley OU-UN------------+
                               -Mike Wranosky OAK------------+            Dec 6-2           |                                                                                            |
-Dan Burk NIU-UN--------------+                                        Bout:    525         |-Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    346         |-Ryan Maurer PITT-JH----------+                              |            Dec 5-1           |                                                             |
-Ryan Maurer PITT-JH----------+    Dec 2-1   Bout:    426    |-Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+         Bout:    565         |-Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+         Bout:    635         |-Kyle Dilley OU-UN------------+
                               -Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+           Fall 2:22                                         |           Fall 5:22          |                              |           Fall 1:37          |
-JT Rice EMU------------------+                                                              -Shayne Stewart CSU-UN--------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    347         |-JT Rice EMU------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    427         |-Zach McKendree GAN-----------+                                        Bout:    615         |-Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+                              |
                               -Zach McKendree GAN-----------+            Dec 2-1           |                                                             |          M-Dec 12-4                                         |
-Kyle Braddock CLAR-UN--------+                                        Bout:    526         |-Zach McKendree GAN-----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    348         |-Kyle Braddock CLAR-UN--------+                              |            Dec 5-4           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    428         |-Corey Carlo CSU-UN-----------+         Bout:    566         |-Damien Perry CWC-------------+                                        Bout:    667         |-Kyle Dilley OU-UN------------
                               -Corey Carlo CSU-UN-----------+          T-Fall 15-0                                        |          M-Dec 19-7                                                                        |           3rd Place
-James Bennett MER NE---------+                                                              -Damien Perry CWC-------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 6-4
         Bout:    349         |-James Bennett MER NE---------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    429         |-James Bennett MER NE---------+                                                              -Sli Bostelman KENT-----------+                              |
                               -Sean Lubinski OU-UN----------+           Fall 2:21          |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    527         |-Justin Joseph EMU------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    350         |-Justin Joseph EMU------------+                              |          M-Dec 11-2          |                                                             |                              |
-Justin Joseph EMU------------+         Bout:    430         |-Justin Joseph EMU------------+         Bout:    567         |-Robbie Michaels CSU----------+         Bout:    636         |-Boby Nash MSU----------------+
                               -Neal Williams OU-UN----------+          M-Dec 13-3                                         |          M-Dec 17-6          |                              |             Forf
-Tyler Leitza LEC-UN----------+                                                              -Robbie Michaels CSU----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    351         |-Tyler Leitza LEC-UN----------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    431         |-Tyler Tesney LEC-UN----------+                                        Bout:    616         |-Boby Nash MSU----------------+
                               -Tyler Tesney LEC-UN----------+            Dec 6-5           |                                                             |             Dflt
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    528         |-Sven Alm CM-UN---------------+                              |
         Bout:    352         |-Sven Alm CM-UN---------------+                              |            Dec 8-6           |                              |
-Sven Alm CM-UN---------------+         Bout:    432         |-Sven Alm CM-UN---------------+         Bout:    568         |-Boby Nash MSU----------------+
                               -Mark Tomanek ND--------------+            Dec 4-1                                          |           Fall 2:03
                                                                                             -Boby Nash MSU----------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    666         |-Ryan Olep NIU-UN-------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Sli Bostelman KENT-----------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Nick Sulzer UVA-UN                      5-  0             5th Ryan Olep NIU-UN                        5-  2
                               2nd Patrick Kissel PUR                      4-  1             6th Sli Bostelman KENT                      2-  2
                               3rd Kyle Dilley OU-UN                       4-  1
                               4th Boby Nash MSU                           4-  2

Weight: 174

-Keith Stoerr GAN-------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    161     |-Keith Stoerr GAN-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    273         |-Aric Thurn CSU---------------+
-Aric Thurn CSU---------------+                              |            Dec 9-6           |
     0-  0   Bout:    162     |-Aric Thurn CSU---------------+                              |
-Todd Gaydosh JC--------------+            Dec 5-1                                          |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    489         |-Cody Butzer ND---------------+
-Eric Heath ND----------------+                                                             |            Dec 8-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:    163     |-Clint Schaefer MERCY---------+                              |                              |
-Clint Schaefer MERCY---------+           Fall 2:03          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    274         |-Cody Butzer ND---------------+                              |
-Ryan Darch CLAR-UN-----------+                              |           Fall 1:30                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    164     |-Cody Butzer ND---------------+                                                             |
-Cody Butzer ND---------------+          M-Dec 12-2                                                                        |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    597         |-Curran Jacobs MSU------------+
-Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------+                                                                                            |             Forf             |
     0-  0   Bout:    165     |-Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Ethan Taylor KENT-UN---------+           Fall 2:22          |                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    275         |-Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------+                              |                              |
-Alex Tuttle AU-UN------------+                              |           Fall 2:30          |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    166     |-Travis Ostrowski ND----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Travis Ostrowski ND----------+            Dec 7-1                                          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    490         |-Curran Jacobs MSU------------+                              |
-Cameron Vlahos PUR-----------+                                                             |            Dec 3-2                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    167     |-Cameron Vlahos PUR-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Paul Jackson NW-UN-----------+            Dec 6-0           |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    276         |-Curran Jacobs MSU------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 12-2                                                                        |
         Bout:    168         |-Curran Jacobs MSU------------+                                                                                            |
-Curran Jacobs MSU------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    672         |-Curran Jacobs MSU------------
-Zach Zelcs GAN-UN------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    169     |-Omar Akel FLWC---------------+                                                                                            |           M-Dec 9-1
-Omar Akel FLWC---------------+          M-Dec 12-3          |                                                                                            |
             0-  0                      Bout:    277         |-Omar Akel FLWC---------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-4           |                                                             |
         Bout:    170         |-Andy Wiseman PUR-UN----------+                              |                                                             |
-Andy Wiseman PUR-UN----------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    491         |-Mark Smilek ND---------------+                              |
-Mark Smilek ND---------------+                                                             |           Dec 10-4           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    171     |-Mark Smilek ND---------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Mike Curby EMU-UN------------+            Dec 3-2           |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    278         |-Mark Smilek ND---------------+                              |                              |
-Cheney Dale IND-UN-----------+                              |            Dec 4-2                                          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    172     |-Cheney Dale IND-UN-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+            Dec 4-3                                                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    598         |-Charles Mason ND-------------+
-Charles Mason ND-------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 8-6
     0-  0   Bout:    173     |-Charles Mason ND-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    279         |-Charles Mason ND-------------+                              |
-Anthony Bill CM-UN-----------+                              |          Dec 6-4 OT          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    174     |-Jon Bittinger ND-------------+                              |                              |
-Jon Bittinger ND-------------+            Dec 8-1                                          |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    492         |-Charles Mason ND-------------+
-Michael Vitale LEC-----------+                                                             |          M-Dec 23-9
     0-  0   Bout:    175     |-Michael Vitale LEC-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    280         |-Michael Vitale LEC-----------+
-Michael Duckworth OU-UN------+                              |             Dflt
     0-  0   Bout:    176     |-Michael Duckworth OU-UN------+
-Bret Terry GAN-UN------------+            Dec 8-6
             0-  0
         Bout:    353         |-Todd Gaydosh JC--------------+
-Todd Gaydosh JC--------------+         Bout:    433         |-Todd Gaydosh JC--------------+                                                              -Mark Smilek ND---------------+
                               -Michael Duckworth OU-UN------+             Dflt             |                                                                                            |
-Eric Heath ND----------------+                                        Bout:    529         |-Ryan Darch CLAR-UN-----------+                                                             |
         Bout:    354         |-Ryan Darch CLAR-UN-----------+                              |            Dec 8-5           |                                                             |
-Ryan Darch CLAR-UN-----------+   Fall 2:12   Bout:    434   |-Ryan Darch CLAR-UN-----------+         Bout:    569         |-Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------+         Bout:    637         |-Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------+
                               -Jon Bittinger ND-------------+             Dflt                                            |            Dec 3-2           |                              |           M-Dec 9-0          |
-Ethan Taylor KENT-UN---------+                                                              -Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    355         |-Ethan Taylor KENT-UN---------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Alex Tuttle AU-UN------------+   M-Dec 10-2   Bout:    435  |-Ethan Taylor KENT-UN---------+                                        Bout:    617         |-Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------+                              |
                               -Cheney Dale IND-UN-----------+            Dec 2-0           |                                                             |           Fall 2:01                                         |
-Paul Jackson NW-UN-----------+                                        Bout:    530         |-Ethan Taylor KENT-UN---------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    356         |-Paul Jackson NW-UN-----------+                              |            Dec 8-4           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    436         |-Andy Wiseman PUR-UN----------+         Bout:    570         |-Aric Thurn CSU---------------+                                        Bout:    671         |-Nick Kaczowski MSU-----------
                               -Andy Wiseman PUR-UN----------+            Dec 8-1                                          |            Dec 6-3                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Zach Zelcs GAN-UN------------+                                                              -Aric Thurn CSU---------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 5-3
         Bout:    357         |-Zach Zelcs GAN-UN------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    437         |-Zach Zelcs GAN-UN------------+                                                              -Cody Butzer ND---------------+                              |
                               -Cameron Vlahos PUR-----------+             Dflt             |                                                                                            |                              |
-Mike Curby EMU-UN------------+                                        Bout:    531         |-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    358         |-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+                              |            Dec 3-2           |                                                             |                              |
-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+    Dec 3-0   Bout:    438    |-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+         Bout:    571         |-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+         Bout:    638         |-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+
                               -Travis Ostrowski ND----------+          M-Dec 17-7                                         |           Fall 3:38          |                              |             Dflt
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Michael Vitale LEC-----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    359         |-Anthony Bill CM-UN-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Anthony Bill CM-UN-----------+         Bout:    439         |-Anthony Bill CM-UN-----------+                                        Bout:    618         |-Luke Jones MSU-UN------------+
                               -Clint Schaefer MERCY---------+            Dec 6-3           |                                                             |            Dec 5-2
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    532         |-Bret Terry GAN-UN------------+                              |
         Bout:    360         |-Bret Terry GAN-UN------------+                              |            Dec 1-0           |                              |
-Bret Terry GAN-UN------------+         Bout:    440         |-Bret Terry GAN-UN------------+         Bout:    572         |-Bret Terry GAN-UN------------+
                               -Keith Stoerr GAN-------------+           Fall 2:30                                         |            Dec 3-1
                                                                                             -Omar Akel FLWC---------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Mark Smilek ND---------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    670         |-Mark Smilek ND---------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Cody Butzer ND---------------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Curran Jacobs MSU                       4-  0             5th Mark Smilek ND                          4-  2
                               2nd Charles Mason ND                        3-  1             6th Cody Butzer ND                          3-  2
                               3rd Nick Kaczowski MSU                      6-  1
                               4th Luke Jones MSU-UN                       6-  2

Weight: 184

-Corbin Boone CSU-------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    177     |-Chris Boyd GAN---------------+
-Chris Boyd GAN---------------+            Dec 6-3           |
             0-  0                      Bout:    281         |-Lee Munster NW-UN------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-3           |
         Bout:    178         |-Lee Munster NW-UN------------+                              |
-Lee Munster NW-UN------------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    493         |-Lee Munster NW-UN------------+
-Kyle O'Donnell OU-UN---------+                                                             |          T-Fall 21-6         |
     0-  0   Bout:    179     |-Kyle O'Donnell OU-UN---------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    282         |-Kyle O'Donnell OU-UN---------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-3                                          |
         Bout:    180         |-Brian Driscoll OU-UN---------+                                                             |
-Brian Driscoll OU-UN---------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    599         |-Lee Munster NW-UN------------+
-Marlon Baker MER NE----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 9-4           |
     0-  0   Bout:    181     |-Billy George FLWC------------+                                                             |                              |
-Billy George FLWC------------+           Fall 4:36          |                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    283         |-Billy George FLWC------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 3-1           |                              |                              |
         Bout:    182         |-Keith Witt KENT--------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Keith Witt KENT--------------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    494         |-Braden Atwood PUR-UN---------+                              |
-Kevin Bailey LEH-UN----------+                                                             |            Dec 4-1                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    183     |-Kevin Bailey LEH-UN----------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    284         |-Braden Atwood PUR-UN---------+                                                             |
-Braden Atwood PUR-UN---------+                              |            Dec 5-4                                                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    184     |-Braden Atwood PUR-UN---------+                                                                                            |
-Pat Carter MERCY-------------+          M-Dec 12-2                                                                                                       |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    676         |-Jake Burge ND----------------
-Londele Cox MERCY------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    185     |-Londele Cox MERCY------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 3-2
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    285         |-Chad Teague MT. UN-----------+                                                             |
-Chad Teague MT. UN-----------+                              |            Dec 5-2           |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    186     |-Chad Teague MT. UN-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Chris Heald MICH-UN----------+           Dec 11-9                                          |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    495         |-Alex Denman ND---------------+                              |
-Ray Canale AU----------------+                                                             |            Dec 5-1           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    187     |-Ray Canale AU----------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    286         |-Alex Denman ND---------------+                              |                              |
-Bryan Steinmetz JC-----------+                              |          M-Dec 14-1                                         |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    188     |-Alex Denman ND---------------+                                                             |                              |
-Alex Denman ND---------------+            Dec 9-3                                                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    600         |-Jake Burge ND----------------+
-Jake Burge ND----------------+                                                                                            |             Dflt
     0-  0   Bout:    189     |-Jake Burge ND----------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    287         |-Jake Burge ND----------------+                              |
-Hunter Rowe WVU-UN-----------+                              |            Dec 5-1           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    190     |-Dennis Raber AU--------------+                              |                              |
-Dennis Raber AU--------------+           Fall 1:55                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    496         |-Jake Burge ND----------------+
-Zach Ward BUFF-UN------------+                                                             |           Fall 4:41
     0-  0   Bout:    191     |-Zach Ward BUFF-UN------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    288         |-Zach Ward BUFF-UN------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 15-3
         Bout:    192         |-Ryan Crabtree CSU------------+
-Ryan Crabtree CSU------------+
             0-  0
-Corbin Boone CSU-------------+
         Bout:    361         |-Corbin Boone CSU-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    441         |-Corbin Boone CSU-------------+                                                              -Alex Denman ND---------------+
                               -Ryan Crabtree CSU------------+            Dec 5-3           |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    533         |-Corbin Boone CSU-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    362         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 8-4           |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    442         |-Dennis Raber AU--------------+         Bout:    573         |-Billy George FLWC------------+         Bout:    639         |-Billy George FLWC------------+
                               -Dennis Raber AU--------------+                                                             |            Dec 5-2           |                              |             Dflt             |
-Marlon Baker MER NE----------+                                                              -Billy George FLWC------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    363         |-Marlon Baker MER NE----------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    443         |-Ray Canale AU----------------+                                        Bout:    619         |-Billy George FLWC------------+                              |
                               -Ray Canale AU----------------+           M-Dec 8-0          |                                                             |             Forf                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    534         |-Londele Cox MERCY------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    364         |-Pat Carter MERCY-------------+                              |            Dec 6-2           |                              |                                                             |
-Pat Carter MERCY-------------+         Bout:    444         |-Londele Cox MERCY------------+         Bout:    574         |-Kyle O'Donnell OU-UN---------+                                        Bout:    675         |-Billy George FLWC------------
                               -Londele Cox MERCY------------+            Dec 3-2                                          |            Dec 6-4                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Kyle O'Donnell OU-UN---------+                                                                                            |             Dflt
         Bout:    365         |-Chris Heald MICH-UN----------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Chris Heald MICH-UN----------+         Bout:    445         |-Kevin Bailey LEH-UN----------+                                                              -Braden Atwood PUR-UN---------+                              |
                               -Kevin Bailey LEH-UN----------+           Fall 6:17          |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    535         |-Keith Witt KENT--------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    366         |-Bryan Steinmetz JC-----------+                              |            Dec 5-0           |                                                             |                              |
-Bryan Steinmetz JC-----------+         Bout:    446         |-Keith Witt KENT--------------+         Bout:    575         |-Keith Witt KENT--------------+         Bout:    640         |-Braden Atwood PUR-UN---------+
                               -Keith Witt KENT--------------+           Fall 3:44                                         |           Fall 2:30          |                              |          M-Dec 11-0
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Zach Ward BUFF-UN------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    367         |-Hunter Rowe WVU-UN-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Hunter Rowe WVU-UN-----------+         Bout:    447         |-Brian Driscoll OU-UN---------+                                        Bout:    620         |-Keith Witt KENT--------------+
                               -Brian Driscoll OU-UN---------+          T-Fall 19-2         |                                                             |           Fall :53
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    536         |-Chris Boyd GAN---------------+                              |
         Bout:    368         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:46          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    448         |-Chris Boyd GAN---------------+         Bout:    576         |-Chris Boyd GAN---------------+
                               -Chris Boyd GAN---------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:40
                                                                                             -Chad Teague MT. UN-----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Alex Denman ND---------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    674         |-Keith Witt KENT--------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Keith Witt KENT--------------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Jake Burge ND                           4-  0             5th Keith Witt KENT                         5-  2
                               2nd Lee Munster NW-UN                       3-  1             6th Alex Denman ND                          3-  3
                               3rd Billy George FLWC                       6-  1
                               4th Braden Atwood PUR-UN                    4-  2

Weight: 197

-Richie Russell GAN-----------+
     0-  0   Bout:    193     |-Carl Korpi COURT-------------+
-Carl Korpi COURT-------------+           M-Dec 8-0          |
             0-  0                      Bout:    289         |-Carl Korpi COURT-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-3           |
         Bout:    194         |-Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+                              |
-Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    497         |-Clint Podish CLAR------------+
-Clint Podish CLAR------------+                                                             |            Dec 5-2           |
     0-  0   Bout:    195     |-Clint Podish CLAR------------+                              |                              |
-Justin Dinius PUR------------+          M-Dec 10-0          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    290         |-Clint Podish CLAR------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 3-0                                          |
         Bout:    196         |-Ken Massey ED-UN-------------+                                                             |
-Ken Massey ED-UN-------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    601         |-Clint Podish CLAR------------+
-Dominic Jontony OSU-UN-------+                                                                                            |            Dec 6-1           |
     0-  0   Bout:    197     |-Dominic Jontony OSU-UN-------+                                                             |                              |
-Seth Stonis MERCY------------+            Dec 5-3           |                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    291         |-Dominic Jontony OSU-UN-------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:10          |                              |                              |
         Bout:    198         |-Nick Anthony CSU-------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Nick Anthony CSU-------------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    498         |-Dominic Jontony OSU-UN-------+                              |
-Travis Stanbeck EMU----------+                                                             |           Fall 4:33                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    199     |-Travis Stanbeck EMU----------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    292         |-Ed Hupp ND-------------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:30                                                                        |
         Bout:    200         |-Ed Hupp ND-------------------+                                                                                            |
-Ed Hupp ND-------------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    680         |-Clint Podish CLAR------------
-Andrew Borgstrom ND----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    201     |-Andrew Borgstrom ND----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 9-6
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    293         |-Jace Bennett FLWC------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-4           |                                                             |
         Bout:    202         |-Jace Bennett FLWC------------+                              |                                                             |
-Jace Bennett FLWC------------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    499         |-Alex Polizzi NW-UN-----------+                              |
-Kyle Smith BUFF-UN-----------+                                                             |           Fall 3:48          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    203     |-Kyle Smith BUFF-UN-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    294         |-Alex Polizzi NW-UN-----------+                              |                              |
-Alex Polizzi NW-UN-----------+                              |            Dec 9-3                                          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    204     |-Alex Polizzi NW-UN-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Mike Akerman OSU-UN----------+            Dec 5-0                                                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    602         |-Alex Polizzi NW-UN-----------+
-Ray Gordon OSU-UN------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 7-4
     0-  0   Bout:    205     |-Matt Wilps PITT-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Matt Wilps PITT-UN-----------+          T-Fall 21-4         |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    295         |-Matt Wilps PITT-UN-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 14-4          |                              |
         Bout:    206         |-Joe Henderson LEC-UN---------+                              |                              |
-Joe Henderson LEC-UN---------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    500         |-Matt Wilps PITT-UN-----------+
-Nick McDiarmid MSU-UN--------+                                                             |            Dec 8-2
     0-  0   Bout:    207     |-Nick McDiarmid MSU-UN--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    296         |-Nick McDiarmid MSU-UN--------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:00
         Bout:    208         |-David Alexander GAN-UN-------+
-David Alexander GAN-UN-------+
             0-  0
-Richie Russell GAN-----------+
         Bout:    369         |-Richie Russell GAN-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    449         |-Richie Russell GAN-----------+                                                              -Matt Wilps PITT-UN-----------+
                               -David Alexander GAN-UN-------+            Dec 7-3           |                                                                                            |
-Justin Dinius PUR------------+                                        Bout:    537         |-Justin Dinius PUR------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    370         |-Justin Dinius PUR------------+                              |          Dec 3-1 OT          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    450         |-Justin Dinius PUR------------+         Bout:    577         |-Ed Hupp ND-------------------+         Bout:    641         |-Matt Wilps PITT-UN-----------+
                               -Joe Henderson LEC-UN---------+             Forf                                            |            Dec 3-2           |                              |            Dec 2-1           |
-Seth Stonis MERCY------------+                                                              -Ed Hupp ND-------------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    371         |-Seth Stonis MERCY------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    451         |-Seth Stonis MERCY------------+                                        Bout:    621         |-Carl Korpi COURT-------------+                              |
                               -Kyle Smith BUFF-UN-----------+            Dec 6-1           |                                                             |           M-Dec 8-0                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    538         |-Andrew Borgstrom ND----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    372         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 5-1           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    452         |-Andrew Borgstrom ND----------+         Bout:    578         |-Carl Korpi COURT-------------+                                        Bout:    679         |-Matt Wilps PITT-UN-----------
                               -Andrew Borgstrom ND----------+                                                             |             Forf                                                                           |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Carl Korpi COURT-------------+                                                                                            |          T-Fall 18-2
         Bout:    373         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    453         |-Travis Stanbeck EMU----------+                                                              -Dominic Jontony OSU-UN-------+                              |
                               -Travis Stanbeck EMU----------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    539         |-Nick Anthony CSU-------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    374         |-Mike Akerman OSU-UN----------+                              |            Dec 2-1           |                                                             |                              |
-Mike Akerman OSU-UN----------+         Bout:    454         |-Nick Anthony CSU-------------+         Bout:    579         |-Nick McDiarmid MSU-UN--------+         Bout:    642         |-Dominic Jontony OSU-UN-------+
                               -Nick Anthony CSU-------------+            Dec 3-2                                          |            Dec 8-1           |                              |            Dec 5-2
-Ray Gordon OSU-UN------------+                                                              -Nick McDiarmid MSU-UN--------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    375         |-Ray Gordon OSU-UN------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    455         |-Ken Massey ED-UN-------------+                                        Bout:    622         |-Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+
                               -Ken Massey ED-UN-------------+            Dec 3-2           |                                                             |            Dec 9-7
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    540         |-Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+                              |
         Bout:    376         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 11-3          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    456         |-Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+         Bout:    580         |-Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+
                               -Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:29
                                                                                             -Jace Bennett FLWC------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Carl Korpi COURT-------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    678         |-Carl Korpi COURT-------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Beau Wenger OU-UN------------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 2-0

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Clint Podish CLAR                       5-  0             5th Carl Korpi COURT                        5-  2
                               2nd Alex Polizzi NW-UN                      4-  1             6th Beau Wenger OU-UN                       3-  3
                               3rd Matt Wilps PITT-UN                      5-  1
                               4th Dominic Jontony OSU-UN                  4-  2

Weight: 285

-Tyler Houska AU--------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    209     |-Tyler Houska AU--------------+
-Nick Rajcsak MT. UN----------+          M-Dec 13-3          |
             0-  0                      Bout:    297         |-Orlando Scales ND------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-4           |
         Bout:    210         |-Orlando Scales ND------------+                              |
-Orlando Scales ND------------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    501         |-David Wade EMU---------------+
-David Wade EMU---------------+                                                             |             Dflt             |
     0-  0   Bout:    211     |-David Wade EMU---------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    298         |-David Wade EMU---------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:31                                         |
         Bout:    212         |-Parker Settecase NIU-UN------+                                                             |
-Parker Settecase NIU-UN------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    603         |-David Wade EMU---------------+
-Alex White PUR---------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 5-3           |
     0-  0   Bout:    213     |-Alex White PUR---------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    299         |-Alex White PUR---------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 2-1           |                              |                              |
         Bout:    214         |-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+                              |                              |                              |
-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    502         |-Steve Andrus MSU-------------+                              |
-Steve Andrus MSU-------------+                                                             |          M-Dec 10-2                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    215     |-Steve Andrus MSU-------------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    300         |-Steve Andrus MSU-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 6-1                                                                         |
         Bout:    216         |-Nick Perelli WVU-UN----------+                                                                                            |
-Nick Perelli WVU-UN----------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    684         |-Mike McMullan NW-UN----------
-Jon Casper WVU-UN------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    217     |-Jon Casper WVU-UN------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 5-2
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    301         |-Mibo Aiono BUFF-UN-----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 2-1           |                                                             |
         Bout:    218         |-Mibo Aiono BUFF-UN-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Mibo Aiono BUFF-UN-----------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    503         |-Adam Walls PUR-UN------------+                              |
-Chris Weber CSU--------------+                                                             |            Dec 5-3           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    219     |-Chris Weber CSU--------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    302         |-Adam Walls PUR-UN------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 3-2                                          |                              |
         Bout:    220         |-Adam Walls PUR-UN------------+                                                             |                              |
-Adam Walls PUR-UN------------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    604         |-Mike McMullan NW-UN----------+
-Mike Murray CM---------------+                                                                                            |          T-Fall 16-1
     0-  0   Bout:    221     |-Mike Murray CM---------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    303         |-Mike McMullan NW-UN----------+                              |
-Mike McMullan NW-UN----------+                              |          M-Dec 14-0          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    222     |-Mike McMullan NW-UN----------+                              |                              |
-Billy Vaughan LEC-UN---------+            Dec 5-0                                          |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    504         |-Mike McMullan NW-UN----------+
-Jorry Hamilton BELL----------+                                                             |           Fall 2:36
     0-  0   Bout:    223     |-Jorry Hamilton BELL----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    304         |-Lucas King AU-UN-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 8-2
         Bout:    224         |-Lucas King AU-UN-------------+
-Lucas King AU-UN-------------+
             0-  0
-Nick Rajcsak MT. UN----------+
         Bout:    377         |-Nick Rajcsak MT. UN----------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    457         |-Nick Rajcsak MT. UN----------+                                                              -Adam Walls PUR-UN------------+
                               -Jorry Hamilton BELL----------+           Fall 2:29          |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    541         |-Mike Murray CM---------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    378         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-3           |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    458         |-Mike Murray CM---------------+         Bout:    581         |-Mike Murray CM---------------+         Bout:    643         |-Adam Walls PUR-UN------------+
                               -Mike Murray CM---------------+                                                             |            Dec 3-1           |                              |            Dec 3-1           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Alex White PUR---------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    379         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    459         |-Chris Weber CSU--------------+                                        Bout:    623         |-Chris Weber CSU--------------+                              |
                               -Chris Weber CSU--------------+                              |                                                             |            Dec 4-1                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    542         |-Chris Weber CSU--------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    380         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:13          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    460         |-Jon Casper WVU-UN------------+         Bout:    582         |-Chris Weber CSU--------------+                                        Bout:    683         |-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------
                               -Jon Casper WVU-UN------------+                                                             |             Forf                                                                           |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Orlando Scales ND------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 4-1
         Bout:    381         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    461         |-Nick Perelli WVU-UN----------+                                                              -Steve Andrus MSU-------------+                              |
                               -Nick Perelli WVU-UN----------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    543         |-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    382         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 16-3          |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    462         |-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+         Bout:    583         |-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+         Bout:    644         |-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+
                               -Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+                                                             |           Fall 0:28          |                              |           Fall 6:53
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Lucas King AU-UN-------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    383         |-Billy Vaughan LEC-UN---------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Billy Vaughan LEC-UN---------+         Bout:    463         |-Billy Vaughan LEC-UN---------+                                        Bout:    624         |-Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN------+
                               -Parker Settecase NIU-UN------+          Dec 3-1 OT          |                                                             |            Dec 5-2
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    544         |-Tyler Houska AU--------------+                              |
         Bout:    384         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 1-0           |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    464         |-Tyler Houska AU--------------+         Bout:    584         |-Tyler Houska AU--------------+
                               -Tyler Houska AU--------------+                                                             |           Fall 4:32
                                                                                             -Mibo Aiono BUFF-UN-----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Chris Weber CSU--------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    682         |-Steve Andrus MSU-------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Steve Andrus MSU-------------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                    M-Dec 14-5

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Mike McMullan NW-UN                     5-  0             5th Steve Andrus MSU                        3-  2
                               2nd David Wade EMU                          3-  1             6th Chris Weber CSU                         3-  3
                               3rd Jack Danilkowicz UVA-UN                 5-  1
                               4th Adam Walls PUR-UN                       3-  2

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