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The Official Home of the Cleveland State University Vikings

Dr. Robert Kleidman
Associate Professor for Criminology and Sociology


Who is the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) and what do they do?
The FAR is:

  • A Member of the Institution’s Faculty or an Administrator who holds faculty rank
  • Appointed by the President/Chancellor
  • Independent of the Athletic Department
  • Serves as the liaison/bridge between the Athletic and Academic Departments
  • Recognized as the representative of the institution and its faculty in the relationship between the NCAA and local campus

What are the FAR’s responsibilities?
The duties and involvement of a FAR will vary from campus to campus.  Most if not all FARs will participate in the following activities:

  • Monitoring the academic integrity of the Athletic Department
  • Monitoring the academic performance of Student‐Athletes
  • Ensuring academic services are available to Student‐Athletes
  • Collaborate with the designated institutional committee on athletic matters (e.g., Faculty Athletic Council)
  • Review and vote on CAA Scholar‐Athlete Awards

Other areas where a FAR may assist an Athletic Department

  • Review and/or Approve NCAA waivers
  • Processing NCAA certification of eligibility
  • Assist the student‐athlete with Institutional scholarship appeals (e.g., serve on committee; attest to process being carried out correctly)
  • Serve as a resource for coaches (e.g., recruiting)
  • Serve on hiring committees
  • Collaborate with SAAC

The FAR often communicates with the academic support personnel, athletic department, or other institutional departments as needed to ensure Student‐Aathletes are receiving the proper assistance and/or support from the institution.  Other ways in which the FAR may support Student‐Athletes: 

  • Serve as a liaison when having an issue with a faculty member
  • Assist with missed class time / excused absence policy
  • Act as a resource for Graduate School; Post‐Baccalaureate pursuits
  • Help interpret institutional academic policies (e.g., honor code)
  • Assist with finding/coordinating support for health & well‐being matters