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The Official Home of the Cleveland State University Vikings

Postgame Quotes

Dec. 12, 2009

Recap |  Final Stats |  Notes

Postgame Quotes

Cleveland State Head Coach Gary Waters:
"We played hard, we played like we should have, I thought we did a good job. I wanted us to keep our heads up and do what we have to do. We shared the ball, and we defended well. In our league we play some of the toughest teams. Norris and Jared had great shooting games tonight for us."

"We have to do a much better job on defending and this is something that we worked on during this game. They were turning over the ball and not getting the oppportunity to score, and this is something we will work on the rest of the season.

"Jared I thought he was struggling and i wanted to give him some freedom becuase he has the ability to shoot the ball. He just needed some time to be free and do what he does. NIgel is getting a better grasp on what we are doing on the court and he was able to step up.

"The biggest thing is if you win, you don't make switches. we were on a losing streak there , and two of the games we could have won. Virginia we played well, That is the stage that we are at, some games are hard to get the win.

"I didn't think we played defense as well as we should have. we need to go back to the drawing board and watch some video and see what we are doing. I need to figure out what we need to do. It is more about positition and understanding the rotation. I want to corret this before we get into the rest of our schedule.

"Nigel had good looks inside, but he was just going against bigger guys. I like his ability to attack, and if he does that he is helping our team rebounding the ball.

Aaron Pogue had a good game, but got into foul trouble so he didn't play as much as he could have.

"We went into the games with two keys that we wanted to accomplish. WE wanted to defend without fouling, but we still comitted a lot of fouls. I wanted us to take care of the basketball, and we had 13 turnovers which came mostly in the second half. We wanted to stop middle penetration which they did a great job of.

Cleveland State's Norris Cole:
"Having a few days of practice with no games was great. We got to work on the details which helped us today. It was very important to get back on track, and keep our confindence up. Every time we lose we go back to the drawing board, and we will use this as a stepping stone for the rest of the season."

Cleveland State's Jared Cunningham:
"We are playing with that extra bit of heart and it's great to be playing as a team. It takes a while to get used to the CSU system, but it is worth it in the end."

Wilberforce Head Coach Geoff Warren:
"I was glad to have the opportunity to come back home and play in a gym that I played high school ball in. I tried to explain what the gym is about to my team in my pre-game speech, and I thought we played hard and the effort was there. I'm happy that Cleveland State gave us the opportunity to play here."

"We were able to watch CSU down at Wright State so we knew how they played which helped us coming into the game. I think we did a good job today, and Jared Cunningham had a great game today."

"I was trying to keep guys fresh and I made some substitutions and CSU went on a run and the flood gates opened. Sometimes when you sub two or three guys you lose some consistency so that hurt us a little."

"Coach Waters really had the team prepared for us. They had outstanding ball pressure and they did a great job with that. I was dissapointed in our rebounding today and this is the most turnovers we have had all year. Our goal going into every game is to attack the basket and not shoot the outside shots which we had trouble with today."