Post-Game Quotes (Nov. 28, 2007)

Nov. 28, 2007

Recap |  Final Stats |  Notes

Cleveland State Head Coach Gary Waters:

"Obviously, we didn't play well, but I think they had a lot to do with it, they're a pretty good team."
"They hit a lot of threes, and that really took the life out of us, and we were always fighting an uphill battle, and when that happens its really hard to maintain."
"I thought our guys really wanted to fight, but we didn't have enough fight in us."
"The three point line really killed us...He [Chitwood] had a fabulous game."
"I thought we got fatigued down the stretch, the last five minutes, we got two guys with cramps, Cedric had cramps, J'Nathan had cramps, and we really weren't getting anything from the other guys."
"When our two big players don't do anything you really got problems." "They shot over 59 from three, thats the ball game."
"These are the little things that this team is gonna have to learn...that's a veteran team [we played] and we lost another game similar to this at George Mason, veterans taking over the game."
"This is what we gotta learn, and I think it'll come. I'm not jumping ship on anything just yet."
"I gotta establish a 4 man that can defend and be tough. That hurt us in the league last year, it hurt us against George Mason, and tonight."

Cleveland State's Cedric Jackson:

"I was trying to get my teammates involved more at the end of the game, I wasn't really worried about fatigue."
"We just have to keep up our intensity because we were up, and we just get down and let teams come back on us, and play smarter defense."
"Basically they were getting a lot of three point shots up and getting a lot of second chances [in the second half]."

Cleveland State's : D'Aundray Brown:

"I've seen this kind of speed, it's just a matter of us getting back [on defense]. They ran in the lanes real good."

Cal State Northridge Head Coach Bobby Braswell:

"These guys just believe that they can win, night in and night this point, this team hasn't tasted defeat yet."
"I told them at the beginning of the second half that this was gonna be a grinder, we're gonna really have to make some stops and make some tough plays, which I thought we did."
"[Cleveland State is] a great defensive team...shoot, I played Gary's teams at Kent State and and I know what they can do."
"I told our guys it wasn't going to be a 90-point game, it was going to be one of those games that we were going to have to grind it out."
"The good thing about our basketball team is that we have 6 or 7 guys that can score in double figures for us."