CSU Postgame Quotes

Jan. 5, 2008

Recap |  Final Stats |  Notes

Cleveland State Head Coach Gary Waters:
"I thought our guys understood what they had to do on defense today and really executed the plan. We rebounded the basketball and that is one of our strengths. We did what we do best, and that is execute on defense. If we continue to play strong defense like that, this could be a very special season."

"If you hold serve and beat the teams that you are supposed to beat, you'll be right there. All the great teams have great home records. The secret is, can you do it on the road and that is what we have to go prove. We are in unchartered territory right now and teams are going to give us their best shot and come after us. We have to play our "A" game every night."

"There has definatley been progress, but you are going to have to judge us at the end of January. What we have done here is hold serve. If you lose one at home, you better go on the road and steal one."

"UIC is a good team and can beat some people, especially at their place. When we go back there, I know it is going to be a different game."

"Renard has been playing well since the Ohio State game. He has been coming in and giving us something since he has come back from his injury. He is feeling good about his physical health and really gives us some extra things out there."

Cleveland State's Kevin Francis:
"This is the beginning of a new year. We have a focused mindset and play hard."

"I didn't play well at the beginning of the year, but I am feeling better now. I am seeing more openings and playing well with the offense."

Cleveland State's J'Nathan Bullock:
"I don't ever remember being undefeated while I've been here. It feels good, but it's only temporarily. We need to stay humble and get back to the drawing board."

"Coach has made taking care of our house a main focus this year. And we'll do anything to protect our house. That is the mindset that we have this season. I believe that as a unit, we have bought into coach's philosophy and it's like a renewal. I think as a unit, we control our own destiny."

UIC Head Coach Jimmy Collins:
"We just ran into a tough trip into Ohio. We ran into a team that played really well together and really hard. Their defense did some good things and they hammered us on the boards. We knew when they hired Coach Waters, their program was going to turn around and he has done a phenomenal job."

"I look forward to our team getting better and being more competitive. I don't think we put a good showing on tonight and I think we need to strive to show better. It was a disappointing game for me and the fans."

"Our job was to play good defense, play our game and let the pieces fall into place."