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The Official Home of the Cleveland State University Vikings Nonscholastic Practice or Competition -- Men's Basketball.  An institution [including any institutional department (e.g., athletics, recreational/intramural)] shall not host, sponsor or conduct a nonscholastic basketball practice or competition in which men's basketball prospective student-athletes (see Bylaw participate on its campus or at an off-campus facility regularly used by the institution for practice and/or competition by any of the institution's sport programs. Nonscholastic Practice or Competition -- Women's Basketball.  An institution [including any institutional department (e.g., athletics, recreational/intramural)] shall not host, sponsor or conduct a nonscholastic basketball practice or competition in which women's basketball prospective student-athletes (see Bylaw participate on its campus or at an off-campus facility regularly used by the institution for practice and/or competition by any of the institution's sport programs. Use of Institutional Facilities for Noninstitutional Camps or Clinics -- Men's Basketball.  In men's basketball, the use of institutional facilities for noninstitutional camps or clinics that include prospective student-athletes (see Bylaw shall be limited to the months of June, July and August or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (e.g., May 28-June 3) and to periods of time other than dead periods. Use of Institutional Facilities for Noninstitutional Camps or Clinics -- Women's Basketball.  In women's basketball, the use of institutional facilities for noninstitutional camps or clinics that include prospective student-athletes (see Bylaw shall be limited to the months of June, July and August or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (e.g., May 28-June 3) and to periods of time other than dead periods. State High School Association Use of Member Institution's Facilities.  An institution may permit a state high school association to use its facilities to host state high school championship events at a reduced rate. Tryout Events.  A member institution or conference may not host, sponsor or conduct a tryout camp, clinic, group workout or combine (e.g., combination of athletics skill tests or activities) devoted to agility, flexibility, speed or strength tests for prospective student-athletes at any location.  An institution or conference shall not host, sponsor or conduct any portion (e.g., instructional clinic) of an event that also includes agility, flexibility, speed or strength tests for prospective student-athletes that are conducted at a separate location.  In sports other than bowl subdivision football, a member institution's staff members may only attend (subject to sport-specific restrictions) such an event sponsored by an outside organization if the event occurs off the institution's campus and is open to all institutions (see Bylaws and

Bylaw Definition of "Prospective Student-Athlete" for Tryout-Rule Purposes - Sports Other Than Men's Basketball.  In sports other than men's basketball, for purposes of the tryout rule, the phrase "prospective student-athlete" shall include any individual who has started classes for the ninth grade and is not enrolled in the member institution at the time of the practice or test therin described.


Bylaw Definition of "Prospective Student-Athlete" for Tryout-Rule Purposes - Men's Basketball. In men's basketball, for purposes of the tryout rule, the phrase "prospective student-athlete" shall include any individual who has started classes for the seventh grade and is not enrolled in the member institution at the time of the practice or test therin described.


Staff Interpretation

Ticket receipts from high-school contest on member institution's campus

Date Published: June 14, 1989
Item Ref: f


f. Ticket Receipts From High School Contest on Member Institution's Campus: Reviewed Bylaw 13.15.1 (precollege expense) and 04/21/89 staff minutes, Item No. 1-(b), in regard to a high school contest that is scheduled on a member institution's campus, noting that the high school wishes to retain a percentage of the ticket sales and concessions related to the contest (with the understanding that the institution is not involved in the conduct of the contest); determined that the high school would be permitted to retain the percentage of ticket sales and concessions that the institution normally allows for any outside group that utilizes its facility with the understanding that the high school also is paying the operating and maintenance costs that the institution normally charges to outside groups. High School Contest in Conjunction with College CompetitionA high school contest held in conjunction with an institution's intercollegiate contest shall be governed by the following: (Revised: 1/10/90, 1/10/95)

(a) It shall involve a sport other than basketball, football, gymnastics or volleyball;

(b) It shall be regularly scheduled and approved by the appropriate state high school authority;

(c) The member institution shall not provide the high school with any financial compensation, including transportation expenses or a guarantee or percentage of the income realized from the contest; and

(d) The only expenses the member institution may incur are the operating and maintenance costs associated with its facility's use for the high school contest