Dave Guinther to Receive CSU Distinguished Alumni Award

Dave Guinther to Receive CSU Distinguished Alumni Award

CLEVELAND, Ohio - Dave Guinther, a former CSU swimmer, will be one of 12 honorees at the Cleveland State University Distinguished Alumni Awards program on Friday, October 6. The honorees will be honored for their service, leadership and career achievements.

Guinther earned a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from CSU's Fenn College in 1969, followed by a master's degree in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 

During 10 years with General Electric, he designed hardware and software for submarines, dishwashers and light bulbs. He was honored as one of GE's 10 most successful Corporate Technology Transfer Program Managers, and received a GE-100 Centennial Leadership Award.

He retired as manager of product marketing for Synopsis Corporation in Silicon Valley.

Co-captain of the Viking swim team during his student days, he remains engaged with CSU's Swimming and Diving program and was one of the initiators, and prime backers, of the Heritage Project/Champions Campaign which raised close to $300,000 for major improvements to the Robert F. Busbey Natatorium. He led Athletics alumni in record-setting participation and fund-raising for CSU Giving Day for the past two years and launched CSU's Bay Area alumni group.

Last year he received CSU's Alumni Recognition Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service. He and his wife, Jane, recently moved to Bristol, Rhode Island.