Postgame Quotes

Jan. 24, 2010

Recap |  Final Stats |  Notes

Cleveland State Head Coach Gary Waters:
"These kids fought today in the second half, and they knew that they would have to fight. We had a couple of good plays at the very end that were great, Tim's block and Aaron's call which made Milwaukee fumble a little on the next couple plays."

"I thought Aaron played pretty well tonight, It's not always about scoring, and he did a great job stopping their big guy tonight. If everyone understands their role and they work as a team that's all I care about."

"When you put a press on and take it off you never know when it will make an impact. Milwaukee is much bigger than us and we knew we would have to press them to keep them down and this game was much closer than it should have been in the end."

Cleveland State's Norris Cole:
"As the leader of the team I know that my play can affect the play of the rest of the team. We were taking care of the ball during the second half and that was a major part of the game for us."

"We were focused on not giving up any layups and not giving them anything easy especially on our home court."

Cleveland State's Jeremy Montgomery:
"Our team is really versatile, on any given night anybody can step up and have a big night and this game was mine."

Cleveland State's Tim Kamczyc:
"During the stop possesion coach said that they would drive all the way to the hoop so I followed him all the way to the basket and I was in the right place at the right time to make the block."

Milwaukee Head Coach Rob Jeter:
"We knew it would come down to our big players against their smaller guys and we had a period where we were tentative and we had to use our timeouts. If we would have stayed aggressive we would have been okay I think because we had a great first 10-15 minutes of the game."

"There were things during this game that could have gone our way, but they just didn't, and that's just how it happens. I knew they would make a run after halftime, and I told my guys that we just had to get through it and push through."