Sagan Woolner

7 Sagan Woolner

  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Westlake, Ohio
  • High School:
  • Experience:
  • Game:
  • Gamer Tag:

Major: Undecided

What are your plans after graduation?: Look for work in the eSports industry

What is your favorite food?: Eggs

What is your favorite color?: Cyan

What are your hobbies outside of gaming?: Food, music, eSports, and baseball

Favorite thing about Cleveland State?: The social atmosphere

What's your favorite way to spend a day off?: Catching up on sleep only to stay up late that night anyway

What's your Gamertag and how did you choose it?: Winter - Picked it when I was 12 because I liked the aesthetic and it stuck

What games have you played?: Overwatch, Garry's Mod, Phasmophobia, Genshin Impact, Pokemon