Gabriel Bertazzo Pazetti Silva

7 Gabriel Bertazzo Pazetti Silva

  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • High School:
    Colegio Singular
  • Game:
    League of Legends
  • Gamer Tag:

Major: Economics

What are your plans after graduation?: Getting a job

What is your favorite food?: Rice, beef, salad, and potato

What is your favorite color?: Black

What are your hobbies outside of gaming?: Basketball, traveling and hanging out with some friends

Favorite thing about Cleveland State?: Good events; organization

What's your favorite way to spend a day off?: Beach, pool, barbecue

What's your Gamertag and how did you choose it?: Dagrão, I wanted a cool nickname like (God, Dragon, etc), then I just wrote Dragon misspelled because I'm authentic... of my Gamertag is in Portuguese

What games have you played?: LoL, Valorant, CS:GO, RL, Terraria, Gears of War, Halo, Forza, Hades, Lost Ark